Kairouan Islamic Studies center
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   Home - Functions and attributions


 The center’s functions:

  • To define Islamic civilization and its contribution to Humanity in various fields.

  • To do research in the field of Islamic sciences.

  • To contribute to the scientific development and promotion of Islamic studies.

  • To make known the results of the studies and to publish the research.

  • To help the researchers and to provide them with appropriate documents.

  • To publicize African and Tunisian figures as well as their publications in all Sciences especially in the Reading and the Explanation Sciences of the Koran, the Sunna and the Fikh  .

  • To revive Islamic traditions.

  •  To gather the manuscripts related to Islamic Sciences and to provide computerized indexation.

  • To publish indexes to the manuscripts together with other literature of the center and to put them at the researcher’ s disposal.

  • To establish cooperation with other studies and research centers interested in Islamic Studies which are part of other Tunisian Universities as well as foreign Islamic Universities in order to ex-change information, research and indexation.

  • To plan scientific meetings and conferences in which Tunisian and other Islamic world  specialists take part .

  • To organize scientific and cultural activities which are part of its attributions.

  • To provide objective information for the better understanding of Islam as well as the sciences and the knowledge related to it.


 Kairouan Islamic Studies center
© Kairouan Islamic Studies centre, copyright 2024